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Hello, everyone! Today I want to talk about a very interesting topic with you: the topic of the Creator, the inviolability of our free will, and the fundamental laws of our universe. A lot of people, including myself, say that we have free will and that it is inviolable. But for some reason, no one explains why it is inviolable. Who made this rule? Where did it come from? And how is this will preserved?
Today, I want to address these questions and explain not just as an unwritten rule but the very physics of why our will is inviolable. But first, I want to thank everyone who responded to my request to improve the sound quality of my videos. Thank you so much to everyone who helped. Now, thanks to you, I’m recording this video with a professional lapel microphone. I’ve already tested it a bit, and I think the sound quality is significantly better. I hope it’s more pleasant for you to listen to these recordings from now on.
Let’s begin. Who is the Creator? I think many of you already know, or at least you’ve heard about this concept. About 13 or 14 years ago, I realized who the Creator is. Back then, such information was not as widely available as it is now. Today, it’s no secret that our entire universe, with all its worlds, systems, densities, and countless dimensions, is the Creator. The Creator is a high-order soul that, in another universe, reached a certain level of development and became a creator itself.
The Creator came to a new point of infinity and created a universe—or rather, became the universe. I perceive the Creator as a vast, radiant star or a central sun—a kind of Big Bang, as physicists might call it. This sun is at the center of everything, the starting point of infinity. It’s not the solar system we’re familiar with, but the center of all existence, like the yolk in an egg.
There’s a law called fractality: the small reflects the large. When the Creator became the universe, it established rules for its own development—a developmental path for the universe. Each creator creates their own laws for their universe. There are countless universes, and some of them evolve into meta-universes, containing other universes within themselves.
Our universe is not yet a meta-universe. It’s a regular universe. However, some universes grow to a level where they can create new points of infinity within themselves. To reach that point, our Creator must first evolve further. This development cycle applies even to creators.
When the Creator created this universe, it defined specific parameters: frequencies, developmental paths, and the type of experiences it wanted to provide. It’s similar to how a soul, before incarnating, decides what kind of experiences it wants to have in life—like becoming an athlete or focusing on personal development.
Some creators create purely dark universes with low frequencies, while others create light universes with high frequencies. These distinctions—dark and light—are largely human interpretations. In reality, the concepts of “dark” and “light” are relative.
The Creator set three main laws for our universe:
- Fractality: the small mirrors the large.
- Energy and matter obey the spirit.
- Free will: every soul has the freedom to choose its path and experiences.
Let’s focus on the second and third laws. Energy and matter obey the spirit. This means our intentions shape reality. We are creators of our reality. Why is that? Because the Creator designed the universe this way. The universe consists of two main energies:
- The energy of the soul: This is the Creator’s essence, from which it separated fragments—us, animals, even worlds—all with their own souls.
- The energy of matter: This is the Creator’s body, the universal building block of everything.
Everything in the universe is made of matter. The energy of matter obeys the energy of the soul. This relationship ensures that free will remains inviolable. If someone tries to force a soul against its will, the energy of matter will not allow it. Reality will not align to violate the free will of the soul.
This is why our will is inviolable: it is guaranteed by the fundamental laws of the universe. If you genuinely and sincerely desire something, the universe will align to support your will. It’s essential to recognize this power within ourselves.
Moreover, the idea of “dark” and “light” paths is part of the diversity of experience. A soul might choose to explore darker, lower-frequency experiences and then later decide to shift to higher frequencies. These choices are all part of the soul’s development.
The Creator desires every fragment of itself to explore and grow autonomously. This autonomy ensures an unexpected and diverse developmental path, even for the Creator itself. Each soul is given the freedom to decide how to evolve, what experiences to seek, and what lessons to learn.
I hope this explanation sheds light on the laws of our universe and the inviolability of free will. If you have more questions or suggestions for topics, let me know. I’d be happy to share what I know and explore these concepts further with you.
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Introduction: The Perpetual Enigma of Free Will
Good day to everyone! Today, I invite you to join me on an exhilarating journey into a topic that intrigues many — the inviolability of our free will. It’s a concept frequently discussed but seldom explained in detail. We often hear that free will is sacrosanct and that no one can override it. But why is it so? Who established this rule, and what guarantees its inviolability?
In this blog post, we will delve into the physics underlying our free will’s inviolability. I also want to express my immense gratitude to everyone who helped improve the audio quality of my recordings by recommending a professional lapel microphone that I now use.
Who is the Creator? Understanding the Foundational Entity
To grasp the core principles governing our universe, we must first understand who the Creator is. Around thirteen or fourteen years ago, I comprehended who the Creator is, a knowledge that is now more widespread. The Creator is the soul of high order that reached an advanced stage in another universe and then chose to create a new universe, essentially becoming that universe.
The Soul of the Creator
Our Creator manifests as a vast, blazing star, a central sun at the core of our universe. This central point of infinity is not just a celestial body but the very essence that initiated everything, akin to the Big Bang physicists speak of. This concept is akin to the yolk inside an egg, symbolizing that everything flows around and derives from the Creator’s essence.
The Rules Set by the Creator
Every universe is forged by its Creator, who instills unique parameters and development cycles. The Creator sets specific rules for their universe, and there are infinitely many such universes. This topic might unfold into a comprehensive discussion about metastructures within universes, but for now, our focus is on understanding the basic constructs of our universe.
Secondary Universes and Metaverses
While our universe is not yet a metaverse, meaning it does not contain other universes within it, other creators could develop universes within universes. These secondary universes arise when souls reach a level of advancement that allows them to form new infinite points of creation.
Evolution and the Expansion of Universes
The Creator himself must evolve to enable souls within their realm to conceive new universes. This cyclical development of the Creator reflects the overarching growth and expansion inherent in the cosmos. Each universe has its particular rules and developmental pathways set by its Creator.
The Custom-Built Universe and Its Regulations
When a Creator designs a universe, they establish specific parameters like frequencies, physical properties, and experiential paths. This uniqueness is comparable to how souls determine what experiences to pursue during their incarnations. Just as some creators might develop universes with predominant dark, low-frequency vibrations, others might focus on light and high-frequency realms.
The Physics of Universal Laws: Understanding Inviolability of Will
One of the core tenets governing our universe, set by our Creator, is the rule of free will. But what physically ensures the inviolability of our free will?
Fractality: The Cosmic Mirror
A fundamental principle in our universe is fractality, where smaller structures mirror larger ones. This concept ties deeply into the universal structure and the law of free will. Every aspect of the cosmos reflects another, maintaining a harmonious balance across different scales of existence.
The Energy-Matter Dynamic
The second crucial principle is that matter conforms to the will of spirit. This physical law explains why our reality conforms to our intentions and why we are the architects of our existence.
The Role of Matter and Spirit in Free Will
In our universe, two primary energies coexist: the soul’s energy (spirit) and the matter’s energy. The Creator’s essence bifurcates into numerous souls, each an individual spark within the universal tapestry.
The Soul’s Journey and Its Autonomy
Each soul, detached from the Creator, embarks on a journey through various incarnations, gaining experiences and developing individuality. The matter is a universal constructor, forming the physical reality from which all things in the universe are crafted.
Guaranteeing Free Will through Universal Constructs
The law stipulating that matter obeys spirit ensures that our free will cannot be overridden. If a soul firmly opposes something, the matter will align in such a way that they are not forced into undesired actions, reflecting the Creator’s principle that each soul possesses autonomy over its choices.
Practical Implications of the Laws of Free Will
Understanding these cosmic principles empowers us to comprehend and exercise our free will more effectively. From daily intentions to profound life choices, recognizing our role as creators can transform our approach to life’s challenges.
Manifesting Reality: The Power of Intent
Our reality takes shape based on our deepest desires and intentions. This manifestation is not mystical but a straightforward application of the physical laws set by the Creator. Each act of will impacts the matter, aligning the universe’s resources to fulfill our intentions.
Overcoming External Influences
When external forces attempt to infringe upon our will, it sparks a struggle between differing intents and influences on matter. Ultimately, the fundamental laws of the universe ensure that a soul’s true desires are prioritized, leading to outcomes that preserve their autonomy.
Redefining Good and Evil in the Cosmic Context
The traditional dichotomy of good versus evil, light versus dark, is nuanced within our universal framework. The Creator’s laws allow diverse experiences and paths, each valuable for its unique lessons and growth potential.
Perspectives of Light and Dark
From a higher vantage, what one considers ‘evil’ may merely be a different path of experience. Light and dark entities, though contrasting in vibration, both contribute to the universal expansion and development.
The Role of Experience in Soul Evolution
Souls may choose to explore low-frequency realms for the lessons they offer, just as others might opt for high-frequency existence. These choices are integral to the broader spectrum of experiences necessary for comprehensive growth.
Conclusion: Embracing Our Role as Creators
The detailed exploration of free will’s inviolability and the laws governing our universe reveals a profound truth — we are all creators, shaping our realities within a framework of immutable laws.
Empowering Our Journey
Recognizing the interplay of spirit and matter and the principles set by the Creator can profoundly impact how we navigate our lives. Embracing our role as conscious architects of our destiny empowers us to create fulfilling and harmonious existences.
Ongoing Exploration and Understanding
I encourage you to continue exploring these fascinating topics and propose new areas for discussion. Our journey towards understanding the universe and our place within it is an ever-evolving adventure, and sharing knowledge enriches us all.
If you found this topic compelling, feel free to suggest further areas or questions you want to be explored in detail. Together, let’s unravel the mysteries of our cosmos and our unique roles within it.