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Hello, guys! Hi, everyone. If you remember, in the last video, we discussed the topic of the past, or more precisely, the importance of knowing what we need to remember about what happened to us in the past. How our world really was before it was conquered, what we really looked like, how we lived, what moral values we had, and what civilization we had. Answering the question, “Who are we?” is crucially important.
Lately, I’ve been actively realizing that we need to remember ourselves, to remember ourselves as we were in the past. When we remember ourselves, it primarily means remembering our past. I brought up this topic not without reason because I’ve always believed that people learn from their mistakes. We can use history to draw certain conclusions and avoid repeating the mistakes we made in the past. That’s why the dark forces extensively destroy history. I believe many of you who watch my channel also follow other alternative channels that delve into ancient ruins. You are alternative researchers and you use your own brain instead of just cross-referencing history text books, you examine historical discrepancies.
These alternative researchers noticed that the ancient knowledge passed down from mouth to mouth contradicts the version of history pushed upon us today. Even what we witness before our very eyes is a rewriting of history. Monuments are demolished, recent events remembered by the living generations are denied, and they claim that nothing ever happened. They erase the past shamelessly. Consequently, talking about events and reliable historical information from a thousand or two thousand years ago becomes really challenging, as history is being actively distorted right before our eyes. Why do they do it? They destroy history so that we don’t know the truth. This allows them to feed us anything they want, and we are led to believe that our current state – the state of slavery, new world order, electronic concentration camps where we are being pushed into by the dark forces is the state of the progress, when in reality, it’s a degradation that has happened to us.
Since I was a child, I felt that what we are experiencing is not progress but regression, a degradation of our civilization. It feels like we are coming to an end. It’s not the peak of our achievements, as they want us to believe. There will be colossal global changes, and both the dark and the light are preparing for them. We’ve discussed this a lot before. But let’s get back to the topic of history. You’ve probably seen many examples of how history is destroyed. Some of the current ruins are impossible to construct even with modern equipment and engineering solutions. Yet, we are told that three ancient Egyptians accomplished these miraculous feats with chisel and hammer only. And people believe in it.
It’s fascinating how many significant historical artifacts are found on the Arabian Peninsula, in ancient Greece, France, and even in what was once the Ottoman Empire. Let’s not forget about Babylon and Jerusalem and Egypt. All of this makes up the territory that could be called the cradle of civilization or the capital of the world. Russia, for example, is not the capital like Moscow; it’s more like parallel communities. But this area was the core, the heart, the center of everything. Some say the heart was located where the North Pole is now, in a vast and beautiful territory called Hyperborea. It was a vast, colorful land with palm trees and so much more.
There, I don’t know if dinosaurs lived there or not. They tell something about this continent, claiming it got covered in eternal ice and was supposedly the center of civilization or the capital of civilization. But I have a different vision. I can see that what they say about the North Pole, where they claim eternal ice exists, is not entirely true. There were mixed conditions there; there were mountains and territories that had snowy winters, but there were also areas with a changing climate, experiencing both summer and winter. It’s like people wearing warm clothing, suggesting it was comfortable for them. So possibly, the currently icy continent which is called Hyperborea now had annual seasons. Part of the land had permanent winter conditions in place or at least quite cold autumn-like climate. After a climatic collapse, part of the continent went under water, and a significant portion got covered in ice. It almost seems as if it went down deep, like a sinking ancient city, as if it was a ship. The area as well as South pole also had some pyramids used as gates between the worlds. Strangely enough, many artifacts are destroyed. Whenever there’s a revolution or conflict in a country like Libya, they begin with the destruction of museums. This has caused me immense pain since I was about 15. Seeing the conflicts and rockets exchanged between Israel and Palestine, I understand that it’s not that simple. Israel took the territory from Palestine relatively recently after World War II. It was done as a ritual to boost the matrix, enhancing duality in the system of light and darkness, day and night. The Masons’ symbols are based on the chessboard, representing the dualities in the matrix, the light and the dark, day and night. So, they uphold these dualities to propagate the concept of life as a zebra with its light and dark stripes, the time of light and the time of darkness.
All of this follows a dark matrix. Whenever there were wars or problems in the Middle East, certain artifacts suffered. Protesters would raid museums, steal and destroy everything, and the state would lose valuable, rare artifacts that were part of the nation’s heritage. They would come and break ancient statues that had been on the territory for many years, and destroy ancient buildings and statutes too. It seems as if they have nothing better to do than destroy, even going after libraries. Recently, in France, there was a library with ancient records that were completely burnt in what seemed like a mere accident. Lots of alternative researchers noticed that the original copies of some books had been burnt down in a library in the 19th century. Deliberate massive destruction of libraries with the ancient manuscripts by fires was common for those years. Many believe there were intentional fires, and these images of deliberate destruction seem to be part of a pattern. There were special missions to destroy important historical documents, and this information was hidden from the public.
There were specific targeted acts of destruction during the Revolution. In 1917, during the Soviet Revolution, a lot was destroyed, including Tsar’s archives. It’s as if these protesters were given instructions to destroy important historical documents and facts, which were then concealed. It seems like they executed deliberate acts of sabotage to destroy historical objects and suppress history. It’s unfortunate that this continued even after the Revolution, during the Soviet Union era. The Romanovs also had certain secret archives, libraries containing notionally named state secret records including the true history facts. Chronicles and records were destroyed intentionally, perhaps to prevent the spread of certain ideas that the party didn’t want to propagate.
Some countries highly value and cherish their own history, culture, and heritage. Other nations seem to attempt to destroy this cultural heritage, not the people themselves, but the structures, the archives, and everything connected to history. This is done to cause people to lose their sense of identity. There’s a saying that a nation that doesn’t remember its history has no future. I strongly agree with this because we are connected to our past lives. We lived in the past, we created in the past, and it’s our history. To comprehend who we are, we must understand our history. We must answer the question “Who am I?” It’s through history that we gain awareness of our inner selves.
When people learn about ancient megalithic structures and magnificent buildings of the past, they realize that we, in the past, constructed impressive, beautiful, and grand buildings. These so-called temples were not just places of worship; they were grand, beautiful and noble structures. However, we have been conditioned to believe they were merely temples for worship. In reality, they were majestic immense buildings, the embodiment of the great beauty of creation.
They were riding on the back of a cultural heritage, on the pinnacle of civilization that we built around us, each manifestation of ourselves in this world, in the creation of this world’s history. There were massive stones, perfectly round and smooth, some colossal marble slabs weighing megatons, and they try to convince us that a couple of boats could transport them down the river, like it’s an easy task. They tell us, ‘Oh, they just rafted those 300-ton stones down the river.’ It sounds like nonsense when you think about rafting 300 tons of stone down a river on logs or rafts. But they want us to believe that we were primitive beings, armed with clubs, wrapped in animal skins, and shouting ‘agoo’ throughout history. They want us to agree with this perception, but in reality, everything was different.
I still remember that moment of my vivid awakening when I was 11 years old and shared it with you. I had a profound realization, as if my soul emerged from somewhere, looking at the world through the eyes of my consciousness. It was like my soul had awakened, and I was in shock. I still remember what I saw from the bus: ugly, dirty buildings, detestable grey boxes, and filthy sidewalks. It all looked like some kind of ghetto or post-apocalyptic setting you see in movies. It seemed like a terrifying and unpleasant city despite the fact that the city where I live is well-developed and modern looking. I saw my city in a very different way then and it did not seem to be beautiful at all. But then, I recalled my memories of the past when I stood in an ancient, antique city. I can’t say what it was called, but it was one of those ancient, magnificent and beautiful cities with cobbled roads and splendorous white structures. I felt a sense of awesomeness and admiration, and there was an internal incredible energy that I can’t put into words. It was something extraordinary and indescribable compared to the bleak concrete boxes we see today. And those immense structures of the past were built by us, living in our past lives in our civilization.
We produce and build things in this current world, and we try to be creative in these environments that are now set up for us. But is it real you, who builds these grey boxes nowadays? But still, I have this feeling that the dark forces haven’t completely destroyed the ancient world. The ruins of this ancient civilization remain, and they are actively fighting against this. They don’t like that remnants of these ancient civilizations are still here, testifying to our past. They aggressively try to conceal and erase our ancient history from various books. History is already written from the perspective of the victors, and each country writes history to fit its own agenda. Even the same war is portrayed differently in different countries. They try to close off certain parts of our history, but there are still remnants they couldn’t completely erase. These parts of history that remain intact are the only pieces that genuinely reflect how things were in the past.
They might leave some aspects of the true history intact and say, ‘Look, we’ve disclosed everything; we haven’t hidden anything from you.’ But they have distorted and laid the groundwork to portray our real history as mere myths and legends of Ancient Greece, dismissing them as if they were just myths.
And there are various ways they manipulate history. History is written by the victors, and who were the ones who triumphed? The dark forces prevailed, so don’t be surprised that in their myths and tales, they depict themselves as the righteous ones. What winner would portray themselves as the villain? Of course, they present themselves as virtuous and cast those they defeated as villains. We can see this approach in all their dealings. They never see themselves as evil; they think they are good. They believe that we live by wrong moral values and that we need to be taught to live correctly, according to their vision of the world. They try to impose their values and perspectives as the only right ones through these mythical tales, presenting them as folklore, like fairy tales, just stories about Zeus and the Titans in Tartarus.
They want us to believe that these are all fantasies, myths, and legends, like the story of Kolobok, ha-ha-ha. But in reality, these ‘fantasies’ are not so far from the truth. I can see events in the subtle realm, events in the past, happening in a different way than how they are depicted in official history textbooks. They distort and reinterpret events in a way that suits their narrative, trying to portray themselves as the heroes, even though they may have been the ones who caused harm.
We need to break free from all of this. We must remember our true selves, not through falsified history, not through these books that attempt to tell us how we used to dig with sticks and shovels or built pyramids for no apparent reason. Actually, the pyramids were built not by humans and not our ancient civilization. We should not try to fit into the image of some unknown slaves or people who bowed down to something, whether it be ‘higher beings’ or others. Don’t let them try to convince you that you were just insignificant beings running around like fleas underfoot. That’s not true. You are very powerful, great souls that are not inferior to anyone. You can be the guardians of anyone you wish. There are no higher or lower beings; there is no obligation to kneel before anyone. We are free. We are not slaves to anyone or anything. Souls are inherently free and creators. Souls owe nothing to anyone. Souls are free to live as they desire, and they don’t belong to anyone. No super figurehead created souls, molding them and making them. You are powerful, mighty, and strong souls with a powerful spirit, and you can even resist the dark forces.
So, you might not understand where this inner strength comes from, but it exists in almost everyone.
Moreover, those individuals who have awakened, who are now not asleep, have a very powerful inner strength. This inner strength is ancient, and to truly comprehend who we were and what we did, whether we served anyone or not—actually, we were a free civilization, a free world, where souls lived in harmony. They didn’t bow to anyone; they didn’t serve anyone; they weren’t anyone’s slaves. When the dark forces arrived, they decided to enslave everyone, to make them serve and bow down, even kissing their feet.
Therefore, it is essential for us to realize our true history, to remember who I am, who I really am. It is crucial to have this connection, this touch, not to try and accept someone else’s point of view, but rather to tune in yourself and look at ancient artifacts. For instance, look at pictures of ancient statues and read descriptions of who those buildings were dedicated to, whom they worshipped, etc. Discard all that irrelevant information that tries to impose upon you what you should feel or think about it. Instead, focus on your internal feelings.
What emotions arise from your chest when you see those pictures or ruins? What do you sense when you look at ancient sculptures or artifacts without any external influence? Try to tune in to that, for I sense that these ancient things carry powerful energies from the past. They are indestructible; even floods or destruction cannot erase them entirely. The dark forces attempt to destroy these artifacts, but they cannot fully succeed because they contain the memory and energy of the past. That is why during all kinds of riots and revolutions the crowd destroys not the parliament, but burns down the ancient libraries or crashes down antique buildings destroying their own culture. Who tells them to do this? Maybe the declared reasons of the riots and revolutions are just a precedent.
By connecting with these artifacts, many of us can take at least a step forward or maybe even more towards understanding who we were. We can answer the questions about ourselves without seeking answers externally. I continuously stress this point: do do not seek answers outside; you must find the answers within yourself. Try to tune in and feel who we were in the past, what our civilization was like, and how free we truly were. We were fearless and free, and they couldn’t enslave us for a very long time.
It took a global catastrophe for them to finally enslave us fully because before that, for thousands and thousands of years, they attempted to conquer us, to make us slaves, to force us into submission, but we never surrendered. We were fiercely loving freedom and passed this love from one generation to another. We reincarnated from one embodiment to another, coming back immediately to defend our parallel and prevent anyone from seizing our lands and territories. We cherished freedom as our primary and essential value. We had no desire to serve or submit to anyone.
Remember this feeling; remember yourself and how we perceived the world. It is vital for each one of you. That’s it for today, guys, love you all, big hugs, your Nadezhda Solnechnaya.
Introduction to Alternative Historical Perspectives
We made in the past. That’s why the dark forces extensively destroy history. I believe many of you who watch my channel also follow other alternative channels that delve into ancient ruins. You are alternative researchers and you use your own brain instead of just cross-referencing history textbooks, you examine historical discrepancies.
The Destruction of History
These alternative researchers noticed that the ancient knowledge passed down from mouth to mouth contradicts the version of history pushed upon us today. Even what we witness before our very eyes is a rewriting of history. Monuments are demolished, recent events remembered by the living generations are denied, and they claim that nothing ever happened. They erase the past shamelessly.
The Motive Behind Distorting History
Consequently, talking about events and reliable historical information from a thousand or two thousand years ago becomes really challenging, as history is being actively distorted right before our eyes. Why do they do it? They destroy history so that we don’t know the truth. This allows them to feed us anything they want, and we are led to believe that our current state – the state of slavery, new world order, electronic concentration camps where we are being pushed into by the dark forces is the state of the progress, when in reality, it’s a degradation that has happened to us.
Personal Reflections on Civilizational Progress
Since I was a child, I felt that what we are experiencing is not progress but regression, a degradation of our civilization. It feels like we are coming to an end. It’s not the peak of our achievements, as they want us to believe. There will be colossal global changes, and both the dark and the light are preparing for them.
The Misrepresentation of Ancient Achievements
You’ve probably seen many examples of how history is destroyed. Some of the current ruins are impossible to construct even with modern equipment and engineering solutions. Yet, we are told that three ancient Egyptians accomplished these miraculous feats with chisel and hammer only. And people believe in it.
The Cradle of Civilization
It’s fascinating how many significant historical artifacts are found on the Arabian Peninsula, in ancient Greece, France, and even in what was once the Ottoman Empire. Let’s not forget about Babylon and Jerusalem and Egypt. All of this makes up the territory that could be called the cradle of civilization or the capital of the world.
Hyperborea and Ancient Climate Conditions
Russia, for example, is not the capital like Moscow; it’s more like parallel communities. But this area was the core, the heart, the center of everything. Some say the heart was located where the North Pole is now, in a vast and beautiful territory called Hyperborea. It was a vast, colorful land with palm trees and so much more.
The Deliberate Destruction of Cultural Heritage
There, I don’t know if dinosaurs lived there or not. They tell something about this continent, claiming it got covered in eternal ice and was supposedly the center of civilization or the capital of civilization. But I have a different vision. I can see that what they say about the North Pole, where they claim eternal ice exists, is not entirely true.
The Impact of Conflicts on Historical Artifacts
Whenever there’s a revolution or conflict in a country like Libya, they begin with the destruction of museums. This has caused me immense pain since I was about 15. Seeing the conflicts and rockets exchanged between Israel and Palestine, I understand that it’s not that simple.
The Manipulation of Historical Narratives
All of this follows a dark matrix. Whenever there were wars or problems in the Middle East, certain artifacts suffered. Protesters would raid museums, steal and destroy everything, and the state would lose valuable, rare artifacts that were part of the nation’s heritage.
The Importance of Preserving Cultural Identity
There were specific targeted acts of destruction during the Revolution. In 1917, during the Soviet Revolution, a lot was destroyed, including Tsar’s archives. It’s as if these protesters were given instructions to destroy important historical documents and facts, which were then concealed.
Reconnecting with Our Past
Some countries highly value and cherish their own history, culture, and heritage. Other nations seem to attempt to destroy this cultural heritage, not the people themselves, but the structures, the archives, and everything connected to history.
The Significance of Ancient Structures
When people learn about ancient megalithic structures and magnificent buildings of the past, they realize that we, in the past, constructed impressive, beautiful, and grand buildings. These so-called temples were not just places of worship; they were grand, beautiful and noble structures.
A Personal Awakening to Historical Reality
I still remember that moment of my vivid awakening when I was 11 years old and shared it with you. I had a profound realization, as if my soul emerged from somewhere, looking at the world through the eyes of my consciousness.
The Struggle Against Historical Erasure
But still, I have this feeling that the dark forces haven’t completely destroyed the ancient world. The ruins of this ancient civilization remain, and they are actively fighting against this.
Embracing Our True History
Moreover, those individuals who have awakened, who are now not asleep, have a very powerful inner strength. This inner strength is ancient, and to truly comprehend who we were and what we did, whether we served anyone or not—actually, we were a free civilization, a free world, where souls lived in harmony.
Conclusion: The Power of Self-Discovery
Therefore, it is essential for us to realize our true history, to remember who I am, who I really am. It is crucial to have this connection, this touch, not to try and accept someone else’s point of view, but rather to tune in yourself and look at ancient artifacts.